• Performance with a Purpose

    Pursuing your purpose is the greatest gift you can give yourself. My purpose is coaching others to maximize theirs! 

  • Reach for the Skies!

    Anything is possible if you believe in your purpose, you act in an intentional way, and you have a method to manage your outcomes. 

  • You Can't Manage what You Don't Measure! 

    Things get chaotic in peoples lives when they have no methods in place to manage their performance. The trick is not to get the chaos to stop altogether, but rather to fly in formation.  

My Personal Journey

The starting point, for my life-long study of peak performance, began with my time as a soldier and marksman. I was fortunate enough to have exceptional coaching that provided me with the mental training needed to perform under extreme pressure and still hit a bull's eye...when it counts the most! This shaped my focus for the rest of my life. 'Performance with a purpose' is my mantra and I want to share it's secrets with anyone that is ready and open to learn. Aside from all the amazing coaches teammates and mentors that helped me on my journey, here are just some of the personal experiences that have shaped my coaching and Peak Performance System.

International Coach & Speaker
International Business Development
Private Pilot
Advanced Scuba Diver
2 x Kickboxing World Champion
Soldier & Elite Marksman


If you're not careful, you can find yourself living your entire life like you're on a ship without a Captain. The wind, current, waves and rocks will determine where you end up and you might not like your destination. There is another choice...and that is to take charge and become the Captain of your journey. This let's you live your life by design rather than by chance. Helping people reach amazing destinations is what drives me. 

All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them!